Welcome to TzSafe

TzSafe offers a user-friendly platform for creating and managing multisig wallets. We prioritize the privacy of our users by not storing any of their private data. Information such as Tezos address aliases and regularly used wallets are exclusively stored locally in the user's browser.

Please note that the BETA version does not include the implementation of TZIP-026, which pertains to Proof of Event: Message Signing as an alternative for Account Abstracted Wallets. This TZIP is still on draft. Thus, it has not been integrated into the current version.

Before proceeding with any action, please ensure you use the correct URL:

  • The Mainnet can be found at the URL: https://tzsafe.marigold.dev/. We will provide biweekly updates on this platform regarding Marigold announcements.
  • The Ghostnet can be accessed at the URL: https://ghostnet.tzsafe.marigold.dev. We will periodically update and release new changes on this platform without further announcement.

Our platform currently supports both desktop and mobile devices for seamless accessibility.

Access the Mainnet on a mobile device

Access the Mainnet on a desktop